Posts tagged fantastic quilt voyage
the fantastic quilt voyage begins

fantastic quilt voyage blockI have never been a part of a traveling quilt project before, so when Jacey invited me to be a part of her fantastic quilt voyage project I was mixed with fear and excitement.  The idea is you make one block to start your own quilt and then it's shipped around to one of the other participants, who in turn make a block and send it on to the next quilter.  Once everyone has made a block it comes home and you can put together a quilt top.  Most of us are on pinterest and we've been busy pinning all sorts of inspiration for our quilts.  Using pinterest has been a great way to really focus on what you are hoping for your own quilt and also get a feel for what would work for someone else. fantastic quilt voyage packet

Some of us are also sending along a journal/blank book of some sort for all of us to write in as we work on a block.  I ended up making a sort of a journal pack with mini copies of the pins I found for inspiration and punched ovals from paint chips for color palette matching.  There are also some fabric scraps along with a clip to hold the journal cards that people put together as they work on the project.

fantastic quilt voyage box

I used a box from Fat Quarter Shop for shipping (they always use such sturdy boxes) but I thought I should do something to make sure people knew it wasn't being sent from Fat Quarter Shop.  I didn't want anyone to walk out to the mailbox and think "did I order a big box of fabric and completely forget about it?"  It could happen, right?!  So I doodled all around the box in the hopes no one has a panic attack on their front step.

Even though it's months away, I'm already looking forward to putting together my quilt!