what i did on my summer vacation

We hit the road for Chicago a couple of weeks ago.  First stop - Museum of Science and Industry

Cj spent some time manning the wheel the avalanche simulator.

The kids playing with color...

We made it to the Shedd Aquarium.

They have some great exhibits, but don't forget to look up.  It's a beautiful building.

We had a great view of the sunrise from our hotel.

Cj continued his vacation tradition of having a snack in bed while watching tv.
Lulu suffered from too much jumping on the bed.
We checked out the hotel ballroom.
 We stopped to see Sue and all of her friends.
Someone refused to turn around for pictures at the bean.
I stood in awe of this beauty from 1830.
And finally,
I was able to have the Ferris Bueller moment that I have been waiting for since 1986.