lost time

I miss this space.  I really do.  It's difficult to make it a priority but at the same time regret not capturing so many moments and projects over the past couple of years. black knit hat

I finished a hat last week.  The pattern is the simple pleasures hat from purl soho knit with blue sky alpaca royal in antique black.  It is the softest yarn with which I have ever worked.  After I finished it, I thought it would be fun to look back on all of my knitting projects I have done over the years.  Only to realize I hadn't photographed most of them, let alone posted most of the recent ones.

In October, I made a pair of color block mittens for a friend's birthday.

color block mittens

I lost my favorite black and white striped mittens last spring so I made myself a new set of mittens in purples and greys.  I adapted a glove pattern to make these.

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I made a couple of hats for myself and for lulu this past fall.  One of lulu's has already gone through the washer and dryer and on to the trash.  The other was a replacement yarnster since her first stretched to the point it didn't fit anymore.

Processed with VSCOcam with e8 preset

let's talk soon