Posts tagged steps
how i spent my summer vacation

so summer is over - at least by the looks of my schedule - the kids are back to school and the aspen trees are almost empty so fall must be lurking around so here I sit in peace and quiet ready to get back into the swing of things

We did manage to get some great things done in August -

I mastered the granny -

This bit of charred pork was transformed in to some serious South Carolina style pulled pork

We took the kids to tour the museum I worked at while I was in college...

where I learned that aluminum is no longer in style...

this would be less of an issue if I didn't have the same cake carrier in red in my house.

I decided that next party I throw will be a tea and scissors party

We also managed to sneak in some swimming lessons.


became this...which means I'm one step closer to a workshop

and yes that pun was totally intended.